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Key system files - genesis-system-definitions.kts

The system-definition file, genesis-system-definition.kts, is the basis of all the configurations, scripts, data models, etc.

It defines system properties such as:

  • the type of Message Queue technology
  • the database technology
  • the hostname of the local database
  • the database user name and the encrypted password
  • whether or not metrics are enabled

The properties can be applied at three different levels:

  • the global properties are available to all systems
  • the system properties apply to specific systems; these setting override any similar global settings
  • the host properties define the environment that the application is running in

Here is an example of a genesis-system-definition.kts file for an application:

  • the global properties are defined first (for example, the database technology is FoundationDB)
  • the system properties are defined next - in this case, there is only one: DEV
  • within DEV, the hosts are defined - in this case, only genesis-serv
package genesis.cfg

systemDefinition {
global {
item(name = "MqLayer", value = "ZeroMQ")
item(name = "DbLayer", value = "FDB")
item(name = "DictionarySource", value = "DB")
item(name = "AliasSource", value = "DB")
item(name = "MetricsEnabled", value = "false")

item(name = "ZeroMQProxyInboundPort", value = "5001")
item(name = "ZeroMQProxyOutboundPort", value = "5000")

item(name = "DbHost", value = "localhost")
item(name = "DbMode", value = "VANILLA")
item(name = "GenesisNetProtocol", value = "V2")
item(name = "ResourcePollerTimeout", value = "5")
item(name = "ReqRepTimeout", value = "60")
item(name = "MetadataChronicleMapAverageKeySizeBytes", value = "128")
item(name = "MetadataChronicleMapAverageValueSizeBytes", value = "1024")
item(name = "MetadataChronicleMapEntriesCount", value = "512")
item(name = "DaemonServerPort", value = "4568")
name = "JVM_OPTIONS",
value = "-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=\" %p\""

systems {
system(name = "DEV") {
hosts {
host(name = "genesis-serv")

item(name = "DbNamespace", value = "genesis")
item(name = "ClusterPort", value = "6000")
item(name = "Location", value = "LO")
item(name = "LogFramework", value = "LOG4J2")
item(name = "LogFrameworkConfig", value = "log4j2-default.xml")

Further information can be found on our system definitions page.