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Notify - email

Email routes

The email gateway that comes as part of the standard Notify package supports two rule types:

  • email user routes
  • email distribution routes

Email user routes

These routes are used to send email notifications to the email addresses of users defined within the Genesis system. There must be a valid email address on the USER_ATTRIBUTES record.

Email distribution routes

These routes are used to send email notifications to external email addresses that are not associated with users in the Genesis system. You can configure addresses to send to, as well as addresses to copy in (both CC and BCC).

It is possible to configure a static distribution on the gateway definition in the notify.kts GPAL script file. If this is specified, the static distribution will be merged with the distributions specified on the matching routes. This can be useful for testing, or to ensure that all emails are sent to a specific set of addresses, regardless of the route configuration.

Email Gateway configuration

You can define the following configuration items in order to provide SMTP server connection details, and to configure email service-related features.

Include the following in your application's notify.kts file:

notify {
gateways {
email(id = "email1") {
// Default Linux Email SMTP Server
smtpHost = "localhost"
smtpPort = 587
smtpUser = ""
smtpPw = ""
smtpProtocol = TransportStrategy.SMTP_TLS
systemDefaultUserName = "Genesis System"
systemDefaultEmail = ""

// Optional static distribution to merge with data configured on email distribution routes
staticDistribution {
to = listOf("")
cc = listOf("")
bcc = listOf("")

// optionally include additional connections, including additional Symphony, Email

Using system definition in the notify.kts script

Include the following in your application's genesis-system-definition.kts file:

systemDefinition {
global {
//Email Notify Details
item(name = "EMAIL_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_USER_NAME", value = "System Genesis" )
item(name = "EMAIL_SYSTEM_DEFAULT", value = "" )
item(name = "EMAIL_SMTP_HOST", value = "localhost" )
item(name = "EMAIL_SMTP_PORT", value = "587" )
item(name = "EMAIL_SMTP_USER", value = "" )
item(name = "EMAIL_SMTP_PW", "")

In the application's notify.kts file, you can refer to the item name directly, without import or qualifier:

email(id = "email1") {
smtpProtocol = TransportStrategy.SMTP_TLS
systemDefaultEmail = EMAIL_SYSTEM_DEFAULT

SendGrid Gateway configuration

You need a SendGrid account to be able to send emails using this method. Your credentials then need to be passed into the following:

notify {
gateways {
sendGrid("SendGrid") {
apiKey = "generated_key"
defaultSender = ""

Using system definition in the notify.kts script

Include the following in your application's genesis-system-definition.kts file:

systemDefinition {
global {
//SendGrid Details
item(name = "API_KEY", value = "generated_key" )
item(name = "DEFAULT_SENDER", value = "" )

In the application's notify.kts file, you can refer to the item name directly, without import or qualifier:

sendGrid("SendGrid") {
apiKey = API_KEY
defaultSender = DEFAULT_SENDER

Database configuration


Field NameUsage
GATEWAY_IDThis should reference the gateway id specified in the notify.kts file.
NOTIFY_ROUTE_IDA Unique ID for this route.
TOPIC_MATCHString value to match against the topic on inbound notifications.


Field NameUsage
EMAIL_TOList of addresses to send the email notification to.
EMAIL_CCList of addresses to send the email notification to, in Carbon-Copy (CC).
EMAIL_BCCList of addresses to send the email in Blind Carbon-Copy (BCC).
NOTIFY_ROUTE_IDReference to a primary KEY in the NOTIFY_ROUTE table.


Field NameUsage
ENTITY_IDString identifying the entity to send to.
ENTITY_ID_TYPEOne of USER_NAME, PROFILE_NAME, ALL, SELF. An additional value will be available that matches the ENTITY_ADMIN_PERMISSION_FIELD, if it is defined in Sysdef.
NOTIFY_ROUTE_IDReference to a primary KEY in the NOTIFY_ROUTE table.

Configuring more than one service

You can configure Notify to work with more than one service at a time. There is an example in our page on Symphony.