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4 docs tagged with "use cases"

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Loading feed data - how to load feed data into an application

Some feeds provide static sets of data that you can download for processing by your application. A good example is traded data from an exchange. This exercise shows you the key points for loading these data files. In this case, we shall use Bloomberg issuance data. We shall load this, parse it to reformat it to Genesis format, then place it in a staging table in a Genesis application. Once it is in the staging table, the data can be passed to other tables within the application.

Loading feed data - SFTP and encryption

If you are loading static data from an external site, this page gives more detail on the SFTP method for obtaining the data. It also looks at how you could deal with encryption and decryption in higher environments.

Practical examples and use cases

This section demonstrates practical examples of using the Genesis HTTP Client in various Genesis components and common use cases.