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Angular - Handle events

This section looks at how to handle events emitted by web components in an Angular application. It is worth noting that this is not significantly different from handling events from Angular components themselves.


  1. The base of our application is a standard Angular project. To initialise this, run:
ng new alpha-handle-events
  1. Install the Genesis Foundation packages. Run this command from your project folder:
npm install --save @genesislcap/alpha-design-system
  1. Integrate the flyout web component.

This component displays an additional sliding layer on the page. It accepts an attribute named closed. When this attribute is set to false, the layer becomes visible. Notably, the component emits a closed event when the close button is clicked.

  1. To register the <alpha-flyout> component, open your src/main.ts file and add the following code:

import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; import Example from '!!raw-loader!/examples/ui/alphaFlyoutImports';


Preparing the Angular component

Now prepare an Angular component to interact with the flyout web component. The Angular component must maintain a boolean variable, responsible for controlling the display of the flyout. This boolean must be bound to the closed attribute of the flyout component.

Your component file /src/app/app.components.ts should look like:

import ExampleFlyout from '!!raw-loader!/examples/ui/angular/flyout.ts';


The component contains the following properties and methods:

  • displayFlyoutis a boolean property that determines the visibility of the flyout component. It is initialised as false, so that the flyout is not visible initially.

  • showFlyout() is a method that sets the displayFlyout property to true. When this method is invoked, the flyout becomes visible. This can be triggered by user actions, such as clicking a button.

  • hideFlyout() is a method that sets the displayFlyout property to false. When this method is called, it hides the flyout. This can be used in response to certain events, for example, when a user clicks the 'close' button on the flyout.

These methods provide a simple interface that enables the user to click to view and hide the component.

The component's html (/src/app/app.components.html) should look like this:

import ExampleFlyoutHtml from '!!raw-loader!/examples/ui/angular/flyout.html';


Here is a breakdown of the template's structure and functionality:

  • Show flyout button:

    <button (click)="showFlyout()">show Flyout</button>
    • This is a button element. When clicked, it triggers the showFlyout() method. This method sets the displayFlyout property to true, making the alpha-flyout visible.
  • alpha-flyout component:

    Flyout content
    • The alpha-flyout component is a custom web component responsible for displaying additional content in a flyout panel.
    • position="right": this attribute sets the position of the flyout. In this case, the flyout is positioned to the right.
    • (closed)="hideFlyout()" is an event binding that listens for the closed event emitted by the alpha-flyout. When this event occurs (typically when the user clicks a close button within the flyout), the hideFlyout() method is invoked, setting displayFlyout to false and hiding the flyout.
    • [closed]="!displayFlyout" is a property binding that binds the closed property of the alpha-flyout to the negation of the displayFlyout property in the component class. This ensures that the flyout's visibility is controlled by the displayFlyout property.

The structure of this template enables the Angular component and the alpha-flyout web component to interact. This is completely hidden from the user, who can simply click to view or hide the additional content on demand.

Replace the contents of the app/app.component.css file with this:

.content {
background: #222;
color: #FFFFFF;
height: 100vh;

button {
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
margin: 10px;

alpha-flyout {
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: absolute;

alpha-flyout::part(flyout) {
width: 40%;
min-width: 320px;
padding: 0;

alpha-flyout::part(content) {
height: 100%;

Changing the look

For a better look, you can change the body in the file src/index.html to:

<body style="padding:0;margin:0;">

Running the app

Now let's run our app in dev mode with:

ng serve --open


🎉 Congratulations on successfully integrating and handling events with a web component from Foundation UI in your Angular application! 🎉

Angular flyout demo

repository with working code from the example