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Prerequisites - Gradle deploy plugin

The Genesis low-code platform provides a Gradle plugin that makes it easy to perform all the installation tasks that are necessary to deploy your own Genesis project on your local workstation, from your IDE.

The plugin is designed to work on workstations running Linux, or on WSL.

Adding the deployment plugin to your project

The Genesis Gradle deploy plugin uses the project classpath to resolve dependent resources. So, in order not to not interfere with any of your other project modules, it is best to add a ${projectName}-deploy module to your project.

If you follow the Quick Start in this Learning Area, this module will provide you with part of the project template.

If you want to add this module to an existing project, then this is easy. The contents need only be two files;

  • a Gradle properties file (the contents of this file depend on your target deployment, as you shall see below)
  • a Gradle build script

Build script

The build script simply defines dependencies about distributions (both internal and external to the project), so that they can be resolved and deployed.

plugins {
id("global.genesis.deploy") version "${genesisVersion}"

description = "${productName}-deploy"

deploy {
productName = "${productName}"

dependencies {
group = "global.genesis",
name = "genesis-distribution",
version = "${genesisVersion}",
classifier = "bin",
ext = "zip"
# add any other external genesis distributions here, AUTH, FIX etc.

api(project(":${productName}-distribution", "distribution"))
api(project(":${productName}-site-specific", "distribution")) #if the project has a site-specific submodule

Please note the special configuration option on the internal modules. If adding this configuration to a project, you will need to add the following code to the build script of the internal module that you wish to make available for deployment:

val distribution by configurations.creating {
isCanBeConsumed = true
isCanBeResolved = false

artifacts {
val distzip = tasks.distZip.get()
add("distribution", distzip.archiveFile) {

This special piece of Gradle DSL makes the zip file of the distribution available on the class path so that it can be resolved by the deploy plugin.

Target deployments

There are several possible configurations for your deployment. For each one, you need to set up your file in a specific way:

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • a local Linux host
  • a remote Linux host (via SSL)

General Setup

Make sure you have a file inside a .gradle folder in your user directory; this file must contain your Genesis Artifactory credentials in clear (unencrypted) text:


This requires credentials for accessing Genesis Artifactory. If you have not been provided with the credentials, please contact your administrator, or contact us. It's not possible to complete the training without this access, because you won't be able to download the Genesis platform components and build your project.


If your development workstation is a Windows machine, then you can use WSL to have Genesis set-up locally.

To configure this, open from the server/jvm folder and add the following entries:

genesis-homeThis is a mandatory property that is a path to genesis distribution on the WSL distribution. Example: /home/alpha/run
wsl-distroThis is a mandatory property that is the name of the WSL distribution. Example: CentOS7
wsl-userThis is an optional property. If omitted, the default WSL user will be used. Example: alpha

Sample configuration:


Local Linux host

This is the easiest set-up, and applies if your development workstation is on a Linux machine.

To configure this, open from the server/jvm folder and add the following entry:


The set-up task will create the folder (if it doesn't exist) and set up the Genesis platform there.

Remote Linux host (via SSH)

This configuration is usable when using a remote host for the Genesis environment. Currently, only Linux hosts are supported.

To configure this, open from the server/jvm folder and add the following entries:


All the properties above are mandatory.

Sample configuration:


Plugin Tasks

The Genesis deploy plugin comes with several tasks. They are grouped under genesisdeploy and genesissetup.

Genesis set-up tasks

These tasks deploy each external distribution, as well as site-specific configuration.

createGenesisHomeThis task creates the genesis home.
install-genesis-distribution.zipThis task copies and unzips the Genesis distribution specified as a dependency.
install-auth-distribution.zipThis task copies and unzips the auth distribution specified as a dependency.
install-<project-name> task copies and unzips the <project-name>-site-specific> distribution specified as a dependency.
loadInitialDataThis task executes install-<project-name> and then calls all the SendIt-<file>.csv tasks.
setupEnvironmentThis task executes createGenesisHome then install-genesis-distribution and then configures the installed distribution.
SendIt-<file>.csvThis task executes the script command SendIt with the parameters -t <file-name (in Uppercase)> and -f <file-location>.

Genesis deploy tasks

These tasks enable the deployment of the full project: single jars for each project module or just configuration files.

Below, note that <project-name> must be replaced with the actual project name. For example, if the project you work on is called alpha, you would call it

deploy-genesisproduct-<project-name>.zipThis task deploys the current project to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.`
deploy-<project-name>-eventhandler.jarThis task deploys the Event Handler jar to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.
deploy-<project-name>-messages.jarThis task deploys the messages jar to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.
deployConfigThis task deploys the config to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.
deployDictionaryThis task deploys the dictionary to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.
deployScriptsThis task deploys the scripts to the Genesis environment specified for genesis-home.

Note, this will take the last built distribution and does not run a project build as part of the task... so do that first.

Genesis script tasks

These tasks enable the invocation of any Genesis platform command via Gradle.
