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SSO is a mechanism that enables a user to be authenticated against a single system, and use that authenticated id across multiple applications - including those built on the Genesis low-code platform. This has the advantage that a user is required to log in only once, rather than once per system. OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It enables applications to:

  • verify the identity of the end user based on the authentication performed by an Authorisation Server
  • obtain basic profile information about the end user in an interoperable and REST-like manner

Message flow

When OIDC is configured and enabled, a user can click on an SSO button in the GUI. This starts the OIDC authentication flow:

  1. The user is re-directed to the OpenID provider authentication window.
  2. The user identifies him or herself to the OIDC provider.
  3. After successful authentication,the OIDC provider sends an authentication code to the Genesis application.
  4. Using the sent code, the Genesis application retrieves the user information and validates it.
  5. Upon successful validation, the user is redirected back to the Genesis login endpoint with a token.
  6. The front end starts the login process into Genesis using this token.


OIDC works by connecting the Genesis application and the OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. Therefore:

  • The Genesis application must be able to connect to the OIDC provider.
  • The OIDC provider needs to be aware of the application(s) that can connect to it.

Configuring OIDC

Once you have checked the prerequisites, there are two things you need to do:

  1. Enable OIDC support in the Router.
  2. Configure OIDC.

We shall now look at these in detail.

Enabling OIDC in the Genesis Router

To enable OIDC on the Genesis Router process, change the Router's config in your application-name-processes.xml file. The process name is GENESIS_ROUTER.

Specifically, you have to add:

  • global.genesis.auth.oidc and global.genesis.auth.sso.endpoint to the <package .../> tag
  • auth-oidc-*.jar and auth-sso-endpoint-*.jar to the <classpath .../> tag
  • the GPAL configuration to the <script ../> tag

Finally, make sure that the <language ../> tag says pal


Adding global.genesis.auth.oidc to the packages and auth-oidc-*.jar to the classpath enables the OIDC integration. And adding global.genesis.auth.sso.endpoint and auth-sso-endpoint-*.jar enables the endpoints required by the front end.

You can see these additions in the example below:

enabling OIDC integration
<process name="GENESIS_ROUTER">
<options>-Xmx512m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Socket, Websocket and HTTP proxy which routes incoming messages to GENESIS microservices</description>

If you require JWT validation, you need the following jars on the classpath as well - jjwt-impl-*.jar,jjwt-jackson-*.jar

You can see that in the example below.

enabling JWT validation
<process name="GENESIS_ROUTER">
<options>-Xmx512m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Socket, Websocket and HTTP proxy which routes incoming messages to GENESIS microservices</description>

Configuration in GPAL

You need to provide the logic that controls how your application interacts with OIDC in order to login your users. You can do this in the file application-name-oidc-config.kts file.

Within the configuration file, each OIDC configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
loginEndpointThe login URI of your application; this is used to initiate the OIDC loginYesNo default valueString
identityProviderConfiguration for each OIDC Provider. Can be repeated if multiple providers have to be configuredYesNo default valueObject

Each identityProvider configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
clientThe client id and secretYesNo default valueObject
configHolds the endpoint and verification configuration for the OIDC providerYes if remoteConfig is not presentNo default valueObject
remoteConfigIf the OIDC provider has the configuration endpoint remoteConfig, this can be used to point to that endpoint for automatic endpoint and verification configurationYes if config is not presentNo default valueObject
scopesRequested scopes on authorisationNoopenid profile emailSet
onNewUserPredefined action when a new user logs in. This property is now deprecated in favour of onFirstLogin and onLoginSuccessNoALLOW_ACCESS - add the user to the databaseEnum (ALLOW_ACCESS, DO_NOTHING)
usernameClaimThe claim to be used as username in the Genesis database.NoemailString
tokenLifeInSecondsThe life time of the issued SSO_TOKEN.YesNo default valueInt
redirectUriThe URI that handles the code authorisation; in normal OIDC workflow, this is the login URL of your applicationYesNo default valueString
onFirstLoginConfiguration for creating User and its UserAttributes. It's called on first successful login when the user doesn't exist in the database.NoNo default valueObject
onLoginSuccessCallback that is invoked every time after successful authentication. It has access to the database and the DecodedIdToken returned by the OIDC ProviderNoNo default valueObject

Each config configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
endpointsHolds the token and authorisation endpointsYesNo default valueObject
verificationHolds configuration for the public key of the JWT issuer, the allowed clock skew, and whether validation is enabledNoNo JWT verificationObject

Each remoteConfig configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
urlThe OIDC provider configuration endpoint.YesNo default valueString
verificationHolds configuration for the allowed clock skew and whether validation is enabledNoNo JWT verificationObject
logoutConfiguration for OIDC logoutNoOIDC logout is disabled by defaultObject

Each client configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
idThe client id provided by the OIDC Provider when application was registeredYesNo default valueString
secretThe client secret provided by the OIDC Provider when application was registeredYesNo default valueString

Each onFirstLogin has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
createUserReturns User and UserAttributes from the DecodedIdToken returned by the OIDC providerNoNo default valueObject
createUserPermissionsConfiguration for user permissionsNoNo default valueObject

Each endpoints configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
tokenThe OIDC provider token endpointYesNo default valueString
authorizationThe OIDC provider authorization endpointYesNo default valueString
logoutConfiguration for OIDC logoutNoOIDC logout is disabled by defaultObject

Each verification configuration has the following properties:

Property nameDescriptionMandatoryDefault valueType
publicKeyThe public key to be used to validate the JWTNoNo default valueString
publicKeyUrlURL to the public key to be used to validate the JWTNoNo default valueString
enabledEnables/disables the validation of the JWTNoTrueBoolean
allowedClockSkewSecondsThe amount of clock skew in seconds to tolerate when verifying the local time against the nbf claimNo0Long

If verification is defined, either publicKey or publicKeyUrl must also be defined.

Finally, you need to specify an SSOToken authenticator in your application-name-auth-preferences.kts file:

    authentication {
ssoToken {}

Configuring the front end

The front end of your application needs to be configured correctly to ensure that the workflow works correctly.

OIDC logout

Sometimes, applications require functionality where the user logs out of the OIDC provider. By default, this is disabled.


If a user logs out of the OIDC provider, she or he will also be logged out of all other applications that work with that provider.

There are several steps required to enable OIDC logout.


First GENESIS_AUTH_MANAGER needs to know about the OIDC configuration. In auth-processes.xml, add:

  • the oidc jars to the classpath
  • the oidc package to package
  • the OIDC configuration to script

See this in the example below.

<process name="GENESIS_AUTH_MANAGER">
<options>-Xmx256m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Controls the authentication/authorisation setup for users</description>

In the example above:

  • the package global.genesis.auth.oidc is added to the package element
  • the script position-oidc-config.kts is added to the script element
  • the auth-oidc-*.jar files are added to the classpath element

Enable OIDC logout in GPAL

The easiest way to enable OIDC logout in GPAL is by specifying the logout endpoint, as shown in the sample below:

specifying logout endpoint
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

config {

endpoints {
logout(path = "")

However, there are providers that have a custom logout mechanism. If the provider is supported by the platform, the mode property can be specified, along with the logout endpoint:

specifying logout endpoint for vendor specific logout
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

config {

endpoints {
logout(mode = LogoutMode.AUTH0, path = "")

If the provider is not supported by the platform (and in all other cases where a provider has a custom logout mechanism), you can specify a custom logout configuration, as shown below:

specifying custom logout URL
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

config {

endpoints {
path = ""
addParameter("my-app", "positions")

For OIDC configuration that uses a configuration endpoint, you can enable the logout functionality by calling logout():

using the logout endpoint from the remote configuration
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

remoteConfig {

In this case, the logout endpoint specified for the end_session_endpoint property will be used.

If the OIDC provider doesn't expose a logout endpoint through the configuration endpoint, then it can be specified as shown below:

specifying logout endpoint
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

remoteConfig {
logout(path = "")

And for OIDC providers with a custom logout mechanism, the sample below can be used:

specifying logout endpoint for vendor specific logout
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

remoteConfig {
logout(mode = LogoutMode.AUTH0, path = "")

As a last resort, when a provider has a custom logout mechanism that is not supported by the platform, you can specify a custom logout configuration, as shown below:

specifying custom logout URL
oidc {

identityProvider("oidc") {

remoteConfig {
path = "")
addParameter("my-app", "positions")

Sample configurations

Minimal configuration

loginEndpoint = "http://uat-host/login"
id = "appplication-id"
secret = "application-secret"

config {
token = "uat-oidc:1337/token"
authorization = "uat-odic:1337/auth"

tokenLifeInSeconds = 5000

redirectUri = "http://genesis-uat-host/gwf/logon"

Minimal remote configuration

loginEndpoint = "http://uat-host/login"
id = "appplication-id"
secret = "application-secret"

remoteConfig {
url = "http://uat-oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration"

tokenLifeInSeconds = 5000

redirectUri = "http://genesis-uat-host/gwf/logon"

Full configuration

loginEndpoint = "http://uat-host/login"
id = "appplication-id"
secret = "application-secret"

config {
token = "uat-oidc:1337/token"
authorization = "uat-odic:1337/auth"

verification {
publicKeyUrl = "http://uat-oidc:1377/.well_known/certs.jwks"

scopes("openid", "profile")

usernameClaim = "name"

tokenLifeInSeconds = 5000

redirectUri = "http://genesis-uat-host/gwf/logon"

onFirstLogin {
createUser {
userName = idToken.subject
} to userAttributes

createUserPermissions {
userProfiles("emp", "genesis")

onLoginSuccess {
