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Data Server - configuring runtime

There are two important files in your application that contain configuration information:

  • application-name-processes.xml
  • application-name**-service-definitions.xml

Configuring in processes.xml

Here is an example configuration for a Data Server in an application's processes.xml file.

  <process name="POSITION_DATASERVER">
<options>-Xmx1024m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Displays real-time details</description>

For more information about the tags that can be used to set the process configuration, follow this link.

Configuring in service-definitions.xml

Here is a simple example of a service configuration for a Data Server in an application's service-definitions.xml.

  <service host="localhost" name="POSITION_DATASERVER" port="11000"/>

For more information about the attributes that can be used to set the service definition configuration, follow this link.

Note - The name for both the service and process must be the same.