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Evaluator - configuring runtime

Enabling the Evaluator

The Evaluator process is not enabled by default. Before you can use the process, you must add/enable it in your application-genesis-processes.xml file.

The example below is for a standard Genesis file for controlling /home/trading/run/site-specific/cfg/genesis-processes.xml. In this case, we have called our process GENESIS_EVALUATOR. Ensure that start is set to true.

<process name="GENESIS_EVALUATOR">
<options>-Xmx512m -DXSD_VALIDATE=false</options>
<description>Dynamic/time rules engine</description>

Add the Evaluator to the file application-name-service-definitions.xml in your project folder server/jvm/application-name-config/src/main/resources/cfg with the code below. Replace the PROCESS_NAME with the process you named above: in this case, GENESIS_EVALUATOR .

<service host="localhost" name="PROCESS_NAME" port="11003"/>

If your server was already running when you made the modification to the above files, run "genesisInstall -> killServer -> startServers" from the command line on the server, so that the configuration takes effect.

Run mon to see if the above GENESIS_EVALUATOR process is running.

Note: the Evaluator only runs on a primary node within the cluster. If your application only has one node, you still have to identify it as the primary node. You can set your node to primary with the command SetPrimary. If you do not do this, the GENESIS_EVALUATOR will go into STANDBY mode.

After you run SetPrimary, you should be able to see all the processes running.