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Testing Java Event Handlers

Integration testing

The Genesis low-code platform provides the AbstractGenesisTestSupport abstract class that enables end-to-end testing of specific areas of your application.

In this case, build GenesisTestConfig with the following information:

  • Set packages: global.genesis.eventhandler this is the standard package name from the framework, which is needed for all Java events/custom events. Make sure you name the package where you defined the events. In the example below, it is
  • Set genesis home
  • Set initial data: we want to ensure that we have a database, seeded with information
public class TradingEventHandlerTest extends AbstractGenesisTestSupport<EventResponse> {
public TradingEventHandlerTest() {

For more information about AbstractGenesisTestSupport, see the Testing pages.

Once you have set up your configuration, you can start writing tests against your Event Handler.

Writing tests

Let's write some tests for the simple Event Handler defined below:

public class EventTrade implements Rx3ValidatingEventHandler<Trade, EventReply> {

private final RxEntityDb entityDb;

public EventTrade(RxEntityDb entityDb) {
this.entityDb = entityDb;

public String messageType() {
return "TRADE_INSERT";

public Single<EventReply> onCommit(@NotNull Event<Trade> tradeEvent) {
Trade trade = tradeEvent.getDetails();
return entityDb.writeTransaction(txn -> {
Trade result = txn.insert(trade).blockingGet().getRecord();
return ack(this, List.of(Map.of("TRADE_ID", result.getTradeId())));
}).map(result -> result.getFirst());

public Single<EventReply> onValidate(@NotNull Event<Trade> event) {
Trade trade = event.getDetails();
if (entityDb.get(Counterparty.byId(trade.getCounterpartyId())).blockingGet() == null) {
return Single.just(new StandardError("INTERNAL_ERROR", "COUNTERPARTY ById(counterpartyId=" + trade.getCounterpartyId() +") not found in database").toEventNackError());
} else if (entityDb.get(Instrument.byId(trade.getInstrumentId())).blockingGet() == null) {
return Single.just(new StandardError("INTERNAL_ERROR", "INSTRUMENT ById(instrumentId=" + trade.getInstrumentId() +") not found in database").toEventNackError());
return ack(this);

Simple test

Below is an example of a simple test.

First, this creates an Event object, setting the event details and specifying the intended Event Handler for the message "EVENT_TRADE_INSERT" and username.

Second, it sends a message to the Event Handler using getMessageClient().request(event, EventReply.class). The result is first verified to be an EventAck.

Finally, it checks that the inserted trade can be retrieved from the database.:

public void testTradeInsert() throws InterruptedException {
Trade trade = Trade.builder()
Event event = new Event(trade, "EVENT_TRADE_INSERT", "JohnDoe");
EventReply reply = getMessageClient().request(event, EventReply.class).blockingGet();
assertEquals(reply, new EventReply.EventAck(List.of(Map.of("TRADE_ID", trade.getTradeId()))));
Trade result = getRxDb().entityDb().get(Trade.byId("1")).blockingGet();

Error response test

You may also want to test a negative case, where you expect to receive an error as a response.

In the example below, we expect the response to be of type EventNack when we try to insert a wrong instrument ID. As in the Event Handler above, there is a check to see if the instrument exists in the database.

public void testTradeInsertWrongInstrumentId() throws InterruptedException {
Trade trade = Trade.builder()
Event event = new Event(trade, "EVENT_TRADE_INSERT_JAVA", "JohnDoe");
EventReply reply = getMessageClient().request(event, EventReply.class).blockingGet();
GenesisError genesisError = new StandardError("INTERNAL_ERROR", "INSTRUMENT ById(instrumentId=DOESNOTEXIST) not found in database");
assertEquals(reply, new EventReply.EventNack(List.of(), List.of(genesisError)));

Testing with authorisation


To test that the Event Handler authorisation works correctly, you need to do some setting up.

First, make sure that your authorisation set-up is designed to behave as follows:

  • A user who enters a trade must have an entry in the "ENTITY_VISIBILITY" auth map; the entity code for this user must match the counterpartyId of the trade.
  • The user must have an entry in the "RIGHT_SUMMARY" table with "RIGHT_CODE" as "TRADER".

Second, you need to modify the previous example Event Handler so that only authorised users can insert trades.

You can find an Event example in our Authorization API pages written in Kotlin.

public class EventTrade implements Rx3EventHandler<Trade, EventReply> {

private final RxEntityDb entityDb;
private final RxDb rxDb;
private final RightSummaryCache rightSummaryCache;

private Authority authCache;

public EventTrade(RxEntityDb entityDb, RxDb rxDb, RightSummaryCache rightSummaryCache) {
this.entityDb = entityDb;
this.rightSummaryCache = rightSummaryCache;
this.rxDb = rxDb;

public void init() {
this.authCache = AuthCache.newReader("ENTITY_VISIBILITY", rxDb.getUpdateQueue());

public String messageType() {

public Single<EventReply> process(Event<Trade> tradeEvent) {
String userName = tradeEvent.getUserName();

if(rightSummaryCache.userHasRight(userName, "TRADER")){
Trade trade = tradeEvent.getDetails();
return entityDb.writeTransaction(txn -> {
Trade result = txn.insert(trade).blockingGet().getRecord();
return ack(this, List.of(Map.of("TRADE_ID", result.getTradeId())));
}).map(result -> result.getFirst());
return Single.just(new StandardError("NOT_AUTHORISED", "User " + userName + " lacks sufficient permissions").toEventNackError());

Third, you need to specify the auth cache override in the GenesisTestConfig:

    public class TradingEventHandlerTest extends AbstractGenesisTestSupport<EventResponse> {
public TradingEventHandlerTest() {

Fourth, in your test set-up, let's authorise one user to be able to insert trades and another who is not.

public void setUp() {
authorise("ENTITY_VISIBILITY", "CP1", "TraderUser");

For more information on authorisation, see the authorisation docs.


After you have set things up. Now you can create the tests themselves.

Below is a test that verifies that only Traders can enter trades:

public void testTradeInsertedByTrader() {
Trade trade = Trade.builder()
Event event = new Event(trade, "EVENT_TRADE_INSERT", "TraderUser");
EventReply reply = getMessageClient().request(event, EventReply.class).blockingGet();
assertEquals(reply, new EventReply.EventAck(List.of(Map.of("TRADE_ID", trade.getTradeId()))));

Trade insertedUser = getRxDb().entityDb().get(Trade.byId("1")).blockingGet();

Following that, we have a test to verify that a trade cannot be entered if the user is not a Trader:

public void testTradeCannotBeInsertedIfNotTrader() {
Trade trade = Trade.builder()
Event event = new Event(trade, "EVENT_TRADE_INSERT_JAVA", "SupportUser");
EventReply reply = getMessageClient().request(event, EventReply.class).blockingGet();

GenesisError genesisError = new StandardError("NOT_AUTHORISED", "User SupportUser lacks sufficient permissions");
assertEquals(reply, new EventReply.EventNack(List.of(), List.of(genesisError)));