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Placement type

Where to and how to add the new item(s) into the layout when using the FoundationLayout.addItem() API.


export type Placement = {
area: 'top' | 'left' | 'bottom' | 'right';
multiple?: {
type: LayoutRegionType;
size?: string;

References: LayoutRegionType


area dictates what part of the layout the new item(s) will be added to. multiple is optional and is defaulted to type=horizontal and size=50% if not defined. multiple config only affects the placement if multiple items are specified to be added. multiple.type sets the group type of the new items, whether they are horizontal, vertical, or in tabs. multiple.size - optional string describing the size of the new item (see the written documentation for more info). multiple.size specifies the size of the new group to be added and then the size config of the new items are the sizes relative to this new multiple group. If you only specify one new item then the size of that will be used as the size and will override multiple.size.