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Web Components - Criteria Segmented Control

This version allows you to use a segmented control that generates criteria based on the selected item.

  1. Add @genesislcap/foundation-criteria as a dependency in your package.json file. Whenever you change the dependencies of your project, ensure you run the $ npm run bootstrap command again. For more information, see the package.json basics page.
"dependencies": {
"@genesislcap/foundation-criteria": "latest"
  1. Import and declare the class in the page of the class where you wish to use the Criteria Segmented Control. Then add the criteria segmented control into the template HTML where required:
// Import
import { CriteriaSegmentedControl } from '@genesislcap/foundation-criteria';

// Declare class

const toolbarOptions: CriteriaSegmentedControlOption[] = [
{ label: 'A', field: 'INSTRUMENT_ID', value: 'id1', serialiser: Serialisers.EQ },
{ label: 'B', field: 'INSTRUMENT_ID', value: 'id2', serialiser: Serialisers.EQ },
{ label: 'C', field: 'INSTRUMENT_ID', value: 'id3', serialiser: Serialisers.EQ },

// Example of using the component:
export const ExampleTemplate: ViewTemplate = html`
:criteriaOptions=${() => toolbarOptions}
:value=${sync((x) => x.criteriaFilter)}
<label slot="label">Filter by instrument name</label>

Use cases

  • Used anywhere someone may want to visually and structurally group related interactive criteria.