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Grid Pro - Cell

This is a slotted component that allows a visual approach to configuring cell renderers. Each grid-pro-cell takes an ICellRendererFunc typed function.

The grid-pro-cell is used as a slot of the Genesis Grid Pro Column. It provides an extra visual layer for defining the cell renderer (which can also be configured directly from the grid-pro-column definition prop). You can't use grid-pro-cell separately from grid-pro-column.


Using grid-pro-cell is not mandatory and it's for highly customised cases. Most of the features here can be achieved with just grid-pro-column and/or auto-cell-renderer-by-type prop on a given Grid Pro.



In the examples below, we refer to a sample @genesislcap/alpha-design-system design system with an alpha prefix. Your design system would probably have a different name/prefix, while still exposing the same API.

import { provideDesignSystem } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';
import { foundationGridComponents } from '@genesislcap/grid-pro';

provideDesignSystem().register(alphaAgGrid(), foundationGridComponents);


We can define ColDef objects in different ways; in this example, it's being set in the context/component's own class:

ColDef array setting custom headerName and others
const multipleCustomColumnConfigArray: ColDef[] = [
headerName: 'Is Active',
field: 'IS_ACTIVE',
cellRenderer: GridProRendererTypes.boolean, // 'boolean' is a built-in cell renderer (will be used automatically if auto-cell-renderer-by-type is specified in the `grid-pro-grid` config)
headerName: 'Pending Approval ',
width: 100,
cellRenderer: null, // 'null' means it will disable any cell renderer config (even if auto-cell-renderer-by-type is enabled)


const customLogLevelDef: any = {
headerName: 'Log Level',
field: 'LOG_LEVEL',

const customLogLevelCellRenderer = (params) => {
return `<span style="color: ${params.value === 'TRACE' ? params.color : 'green'}">Custom ${params.value}</span>`;

const customLogLevelCellRendererParams = {color: 'orange'};

const myCustomTextRenderer = params => `<span style="color: ${params.color}">Custom Access Level - ${params.value}</span>`;

const customCompleteDef: any = {
headerName: 'Access Level',
field: 'ACCESS_LEVEL',
cellRenderer: this.myCustomTextRenderer,
cellRendererParams: {
color: 'red',

When using ColDef objects it's up to the application developer to decide the approach (array of definitions + repeat or one by one, there's no right or wrong here as the goal is flexibility):

Using the ColDef (with cellRenderer/cellRendererParams) objects in different ways
<alpha-grid-pro auto-cell-renderer-by-type>
<grid-pro-genesis-datasource resourceName="EXAMPLE_DATA_RESOURCE" />

<!-- When there's a main array of ColDef objects but there are extra conditions for the custom cellRenderer -->
${repeat(() => multipleCustomColumnConfigArray, html`
<grid-pro-column :definition="${x => x}">
${when(x => x.cellRenderer, html`
:renderer="${x => x.cellRenderer}"
:rendererParams="${x => x.cellRendererParams}">

<!-- You can also use a helper function to produce the same result as above -->
<!-- The boolean parameter controls whether the grid-pro-cell items are included; they are included by default -->
${gridProColumns(multipleCustomColumnConfigArray, true)}

<!-- Using separate definitions for both grid-pro-column and grid-pro-cell -->
<grid-pro-column :definition="${x => x.customLogLevelDef}">
:renderer="${x => x.customLogLevelCellRenderer}"
:rendererParams="${x => x.customLogLevelCellRendererParams}">

<!-- Skipping the grid-pro-cell usage but achieving the same result (custom cellRenderer/cellRendererParams) -->
<grid-pro-column :definition="${x => x.customCompleteDef}" />
