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Tables - basics

In your application's tables-dictionary.kts file, you need to define every table that your application needs. Let us look at a very simple example definition. This contains a single table with three fields in it.

Then you can look closer at all the elements that can go into a table definition.

tables {

table(name = "POSITION", id = 11002) {
sequence(POSITION_ID, "PS")

primaryKey {


Table name

When you define a table, you must start by giving it a name that is unique to the application:

  table(name = "POSITION")

Table ID

Tables must also be given a Table ID that is unique to the application. This ensures that you can rename a table without losing the data in it.

  table(name = "POSITION", id = 11002)


After specifying a name and a Table ID, specify the fields in the table.

You do not need to specify field types and other attributes - just the field name.

If you are using intelliJ IDE, it will auto-suggest the available fields; any references that are not known will be shown in red.

table(name = "POSITION", id = 11002) {
sequence(POSITION_ID, "PS")


Making a field not null

All field types except ENUM are nullable by default. However, you can set a nullable field so that it is not nullable on a specific table. When you add the field to the table, just add not null. Effectively, this makes the field mandatory for that table. It does not affect usage of the field in other tables in your application.

For example, here we have set two fields to be not null:

table(name = "TRADE", id = 2000) {
PRICE not null

primaryKey {

Primary key

A table must have a single primary key.

It is common to use a single sequenced/autoIncrement field in the table as a primaryKey.

The primaryKey needs to contain one or more fields in the table. Where using more than one field, the order of the fields matters in the case of wanting to search performantly based on a partial key.

The example below shows a primaryKey with a single field: POSITION_ID:

tables {

table(name = "POSITION", id = 11002) {
sequence(POSITION_ID, "PS")

primaryKey {



Indices are used in the following scenarios:

  • Creating additional unique constraints to the table's primary key
  • Providing a performant record lookup (unique index)
  • Providing an index for a performant ranged lookup (nonUnique index, else unique index but searching on part of the key)

You can define indices on a table in a similar fashion to primaryKey. As with keys, indices are made up of one or more fields from the table. Where the indices are made up of multiple fields, the order of the fields matters if you want to search based on a partial index. This affects performance.

    indices {
unique {
nonUnique {

When you define an index, you cannot supply exactly the same fields in exactly the same order as the primary key or another index on the same table.

Primary key and index names

It is not mandatory to give a primary key or an index a name. If you don't provide a name, it will be inferred:


where FIELD_1 - FIELD_N are all the fields that make up the key/index in the order specified.

One exception is the common use case where the primary key is made up of a single field with a name of format [TABLE_NAME]_[ID]. In this case, the inferred name is [TABLE_NAME]_BY_ID.

Let's see some examples. Below, the table name is POSITION. The inferred names are shown in the comment before each primary key.

primaryKey {

primaryKey {

primaryKey {

In this example, we have specified the name of the primary key in the name parameter.

    primaryKey(name = "POSITION_PRIMARY_KEY") {

Indices work the same way; either you specify the name in the name parameter or the name will be automatically inferred.