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Notify - configuring runtime

You need to add some dependencies to two different files in order to make Notify work successfully:

  1. Add the notifyVersion to the file server/jvm/
  1. Add a reference to your server/jvm/alpha-dictionary-cache/build.gradle.kts file, such as this:
dependencies {

This creates the fields and tables that enable Notify to run.

  1. Add a reference to your server/jvm/alpha-deploy/build.gradle.kts file:
dependencies {
group = "global.genesis",
name = "genesis-notify-distribution",
version = properties["notifyVersion"].toString(),
classifier = "bin",
ext = "zip"
  1. Reload the gradle project so the dependencies can be downloaded.
  2. Run the genesisInstall script to create the notify folder in your runtime folder, as well as all the necessary configuration and scripts.
  3. Run the remap script so the tables and fields are created in your database.
  4. Start the server.

After following these seven steps, a new process will appear in your mon tab: GENESIS_NOTIFY. This is the process that manages the Notify module.