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Notify - Symphony

Symphony is a secure instant messaging service focused on financial companies. To make Symphony services available to Genesis, you need to provision symphony service and configure a symphony bot.

Importing Symphony

Symphony is a separate module of the Genesis low-code platform. This gives platform users a better way to manage third-party dependencies, as the Symphony BDK has a number of transitive dependencies.

Adding the Symphony module data schema

In order to add the Symphony route tables to your application, add the following in your application dictionary cache module:


Adding the Symphony module to deployment

In order to add the Symphony distribution to your application deployment, add the following in your application deployment module:

group = "global.genesis",
name = "genesis-symphony-distribution",
version = properties["symphonyVersion"].toString(),
classifier = "bin",
ext = "zip"

Adding the Symphony module endpoints to GENESIS_NOTIFY

In order to add the Symphony endpoints to your GENESIS_NOTIFY process, add the following package in your process definition:


and the following jar to the GENESIS_NOTIFY_PROCESS classpath


Adding Symphony extensions for notify GPAL scripts

To configure symphony gateways, you need to import extensions for the Notify GPAL configuration. Add the following dependency to your application script-config module:


Symphony configuration

Genesis requires the use of Symphony POD, Symphony Bot and the generation of private/public key pairs. This is covered extensively in the Symphony documentation.

Symphony must be configured in your notify.kts file. Here is an example configuration with connection details.

notify {
gateways {
symphony(id = "symphony1") {
sessionAuthHost = ""
botUsername = ""
botPrivateKeyPath = "/home/priss/run/site-specific/cfg/symphony/rsa/"
botPrivateKeyName = "bot1.test.pem"
appId = "GENESIS_EXTENSION_APP" // optional, required for Symphony OBO feature

// optionally include additional connections, including additional Symphony, Email or Microsoft Teams connections

Now consider another example. For this, the private key is sourced from the DB.

To store the private key in a DB, you need to use the SYSTEM table with the following settings:

  • SYSTEM_VALUE set to the contents of the private key, and
  • the associated SYSTEM_KEY set to SymphonyRsaKey
notify {
gateways {
symphony(id = "symphony1") {

sessionAuthHost = ""
botUsername = ""
botPrivateKeyFromDb = true


Using system definition in the notify.kts script

You must configure Notify in your application's genesis-system-definition.kts file.

systemDefinition {
global {

item(name = "SESSION_AUTH_HOST", value = "" )
item(name = "BOT_USER_NAME", value = "" )

Once that is configured, you can refer to the item name directly in your notify.kts script, without import or qualifier.

notify {
gateways {
symphony(id = "symphony1") {
sessionAuthHost = SESSION_AUTH_HOST
botUsername = BOT_USER_NAME
botPrivateKeyFromDb = true

Database configuration


Field NameUsage
SENDERGenesis User sending message, if Symphony OBO is activated, then this message will be sent 'On Behalf Of' of this user
TOPICThe Topic to broadcast this message
HEADERHeader that placed at the beginning of every message
NOTIFY_SEVERITYAn ENUM of either, "Information", "Warning", "Serious", or "Critical", which defaults to "Information". This is simply appended to a Symphony Message Header
BODYThe message content in Symphony MessageML Format


Field NameUsage
ROOM_IDThe unique identifier of the Symphony chat room to send the notification to.
NOTIFY_ROUTE_IDReference to a primary KEY in the NOTIFY_ROUTE table.


Field NameUsage
ENTITY_IDString identifying the entity to send to.
ENTITY_ID_TYPEOne of USER_NAME, PROFILE_NAME, ALL, or SELF. An additional value will be available that matches the ENTITY_ADMIN_PERMISSION_FIELD, if it is defined in Sysdef.
NOTIFY_ROUTE_IDReference to a primary KEY in the NOTIFY_ROUTE table.

Genesis Notify operations for Symphony

The Notify service currently provides additional Symphony operations; these are exposed as Event Handlers.

  • GATEWAY_CREATE_CHANNEL creates a channel (to allow external users to be added to a channel; a channel should be created with external set to true and public to false)
  • GATEWAY_ADD_MEMBER_TO_CHANNEL adds a user to a channel (if the user is not a member of the host POD, then a connection request will be sent to that user)
  • GATEWAY_REMOVE_MEMBER_FROM_CHANNEL removes a user from a channel
  • GATEWAY_ACTION_ON_CHANNEL allows a channel to be either reactivated or deactivated

Where there is more than one Symphony gateway defined, these operations act upon the first listed.

package global.genesis.message.core.event.notify
data class CreateChannel(
val topic: String,
val channelName: String,
val external: Boolean = false,
val multilateral: Boolean = false,
val discoverable: Boolean = true,
val public: Boolean = true
data class AddUserToChannel(val channelName: String, val userId: String)
data class RemoveUserFromChannel(val channelName: String, val userId: String)
data class ActionOnChannel(val roomId: String, val activate: Boolean)

The Notify service also offers the Request Server resource LIST_MEMBERS_OF_CHANNEL, which, unsurprisingly, lists members of a channel.

  • Inputs (Request)

    ChannelName - Symphony Stream Id

  • Outputs (Response)


    USER_ID - Symphony User Id

Configuring OBO for outgoing messages

To use the Symphony On-behalf-of (OBO) feature, which enables messages to be sent through a configured Symphony robot as a particular user, you need to configure your application to point to the required Symphony extension app.

You can find out how to set this up in the Symphony Documentation