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Running an example application

Many of the How To... pages here point you at example applications. You can clone these applications so that you can examine the code in the files (which include helpful comments). And you can build and run the app locally to see what it looks like in practice.

Where an example app is available a link takes you directly to the repository, for example, How to ingest csv files.

There is always a main readme file for the example application, which you can scroll down to view. This gives you a good description of the purpose of the app and the key components.

Cloning an app

You can clone an app in the standard way:

  1. Follow the relevant link to the repository in the How To... page, for example Ingesting csv files.

  2. Copy the url for the repository.

  3. Clone the repository to a suitable working directory in your local files. For example:

C:\Users\MarcusAurelius\projects>git clone

Avoid using a network drive or a drive that synchronises with a cloud back-up system (such as OneDrive or Sharepoint). This could result in poor performance.

Running the app locally


You need to install the following software to be able to run Genesis projects on your local machine. There are links below to install each of the dependencies:

SoftwareDownload info and link
IntelliJ - Community EditionWindows (.exe) --- Mac (.dmg) --- Other Platforms
JDK 17Windows (.msi) --- Other Platforms
Node.jsWindows (.msi) --- Other Platforms
Genesis Server Framework (GSF) Artifact AccessContact your technical representative for access.
Genesis Front End (FUI) Artifact AccessContact your technical representative for access.
LMDB (Mac Users Only)With Homebrew installed, follow the instructions below
GradleBundled with IntelliJ. Configure Gradle properties to point to the GSF artifactory.

Homebrew (Mac users)

If you are using a Mac, you need to download and install LMDB. Using homebrew, you can install this dependency easily by following this short guide

Opening the project

  1. Open IntelliJ, click Open, and navigate to your project folder.

Take care not to open the parent or any child directories

  1. Go to FileProject Structure and make sure that SDK and Language level are set to 17 .

Intellij will pick up the Java version from the project default, set above. However, if you've inadvertently started a build on a newer JVM, you may need to update your gradle build settings. To do this, go to SettingsBuild, Execution, DeploymentBuild ToolsGradle and set your Gradle JVM to 17

  1. If you are prompted (bottom right of the IntelliJ window) to Load Gradle Project, click to allow this to proceed.

Building and running the project

  1. Open the Genesis IntelliJ plugin at the top right of the IntelliJ window.

  2. Click Remap. Agree to all options to ensure your data model is created and all necessary data is imported.

  3. Click on the Tasks tab in the plugin and run ConsolidateRights.

  4. Click on the Start Processes button. This starts the back end.

  5. Click on the Start UI button. This starts the front end. After a short while, you should see all processes running. Your browser will open automatically, pointing to the URL http://localhost:6060.

  6. Login with the credentials:

    • User: admin
    • Password: genesis