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foundation-comms package


AuthErrorRepresents an error that occurs during authentication.
CurrentUserRepresents the current user (i.e. the user that is currently logged in).
DatasourceDefaultsDefault values for a DatasourceConfig
DefaultAuthThe default implementation for the Auth interface.
DefaultConnectThe default implementation for the Connect interface (WS-only).
DefaultCredentialManagerThe default implementation for the CredentialManager interface.
DefaultDatasourceThe default implementation for the Datasource interface.
DefaultFoundationAnalyticsThe default implementation for the FoundationAnalytics interface.
DefaultHttpThe default implementation of the Http interface.
DefaultHttpConnectThe default implementation for the Connect interface (HTTP-only).
DefaultMetaCacheThe default implementation for the MetaCache interface.
DefaultSessionThe default implementation for the Session interface.
SocketMessageHandlerThe Socket message handler definition.
SocketObservableObservable that wraps a WebSocketSubject and provides an Observable interface for sending and receiving messages.
SocketSubjectSubject that wraps a WebSocketSubject and provides a Subject interface for sending and receiving messages.


AuthTypeThe available ypes of authentication.
EventMessageTypeEvent Message types
FieldTypeEnumAvailable types for a field metadata.
FoundationAnalyticsEventTypeAnalytics event types
MessageCodeGeneral Message codes
MessageTypeGeneral Message types
ResourceTypeTypes of Genesis resources.
SocketReconnectStrategySocket reconnection strategies


criteriaFiltersToFields(filters)Criteria filters to fields.
dataServerResultFilter(result, rowId)Data server result filter.
getConnect()Get Connect from the DI container.
getDatasource()Get Datasource from the DI container.
normaliseCriteria(criteria, delimiter)Normalise criteria.
until(conditionFunc, timeoutMs)Polls a condition function until it returns true or a timeout is reached.


AuthAuth is the main interface for authenticating with a Genesis Server endpoint.
ConnectRepresents a connection and its capabilities on a remote server Provides methods to send and receive messages, as well as metadata and schema information.
ConnectConfigConfiguration options for the Connect (WS) instance.
CredentialManagerRepresents a system for managing user credentials and authentication tokens.
CredentialManagerConfigThe configuration for the CredentialManager
CredentialManagerCookieConfigThe configuration options for the CredentialManager cookie
DatasourceDatasource interface.
DatasourceConfigThe configuration object for a Datasource
DatasourceOptionsOptions that can be passed when initializing a datasource.
DataUpdateData Update definition with details of what data to add, drop, and/or modify.
DataviewDataview object
FoundationAnalyticsRepresents an analytics tracking system.
HttpAn interface representing an HTTP client that can make GET and POST requests and return a promise with the response data.
HttpConnectConfigConfiguration options for the Connect (HTTP) instance.
HttpPollingConfigConfiguration options for http connection.
HttpRequestInitThe options object used when making an HTTP request.
JsonSchemaCacheA JSON schema cache definition
LogoutResultRepresents the result of a user logout operation.
MessageBuilderA utility class for building different types of messages.
MetadataCacheA Metadata cache definition
PollingConfigurationConfiguration options for http polling.
SerializerA Serializer interface for serializing and deserializing objects.
SessionRepresents a session storage and its capabilities. Provides methods to set and get items from the specified storage.
SocketRepresents a WebSocket used to establish a communication channel between client and a Genesis server. Provides methods for socket connection, sending and receiving WS messages.
UserRepresents a User object with associated permissions and profiles.


FoundationAnalyticsEventNamespace for all Analytics event types
MessageDetailsNamespace for all Message detail types


credentialSeparatorThe default separator used for splitting credential parts.
defaultConnectConfigThe default configuration for connecting to a WS service.
defaultCredentialManagerConfigThe default configuration for the CredentialManager service.
defaultCredentialRequestOptionsThe default request options for the CredentialManager service.
defaultDatasourceConfigThe default configuration for the Datasource service.
defaultHttpConnectConfigThe default configuration for connecting to an HTTP service.
exponentialSchedulerExpontential Interval scheduler for reconnect
extractFieldDefinitionsExtracts the field definitions from the metadata.
isWebSocketExpressionRegular Expression to test valid WebSocket (wss and ws) hosts
linearSchedulerLinear Interval scheduler for reconnect
loggerLogger for the foundation-comms package
MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTSDefault number of reconnect attempts
messageOrThrowCheck if the provided message contains an error and throw an Error if it does
retryIntervalGenerate reconnect interval based on scheduler
toFieldMetadataConverts the field definitions to field metadata.
TYPES_MAPTypes map for FieldTypeEnum.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
AuthInfoUnion type of all authentication information types.
BasicAuthInfoRepresents basic authentication information.
BasicCredentialsInputRepresents basic credentials for a user.
CommitParamsParameters for a COMMIT message
ConnectionStatusThe connection status of the Genesis client.
CredentialData_2Represents user credentials.
FieldMetadataField Metadata definition.
FilteredDataServerResultFitlered result after initial DATASERVER data fetch.
GetCredentialOptionsRepresents options for retrieving credentials.
IndexDetailIndex Detail definition.
JwtAuthInfoRepresents JWT authentication information.
LoginResultRepresents the result of a user login operation.
MessageBase Message type for all DETAIL variants
MessageErrorError definition for a message result
MetaCacheUnion type of MetadataCache and JsonSchemaCache
MetadataMetadata definition for a given resource.
MetadataDetailMetadata Detail definition.
RawDataServerResultRaw result from a DATASERVER data fetch.
RefreshAuthInfoRepresents refresh token authentication information.
RefreshCredentialsInputRepresents refresh credentials for a user.
RequestParamsParameters for a REQUEST message
RequestServerResultRaw result from a REQUEST_SERVER data fetch.
RowDataRow Data definition.
SchemaResponseSchema Response definition.
ServerRowServer Row definition.
SocketConnectOptionsThe Socket connection options definition.
SocketReconnectOptionsSocket reconnection options
SocketReconnectSchedulerSocket reconnection scheduler
SsoAuthInfoRepresents SSO authentication information.
SSOCredentialsInputRepresents SSO credentials for a user.
StorageTypeThe available browser storage types.