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Version: Current

Data model

For any Genesis application, everything starts with the data model.

Getting this right is critical not just to the success of the application, but to how intuitive it will be to develop.

Once you have this in place, you will find all the other steps are much easier and more logical to complete.

In Genesis, we structure our data in the following way:

  • Tables and their fields
  • Views (a view can draw data from more than one table)

Each of these must be specified in a separate file on the file system:

  • application-tables-dictionary.kts
  • application-view-dictionary.kts

In this section, we look in more detail at how you define your tables and views.

These pages assume you are creating a data model from scratch. You can also create a data model from an existing Excel spreadsheet or RDBMS database.

Working with older versions

We recommend that you always use the current method of declaring the fields and their types within each table.

However, if you are working on an earlier version of the GSF, you can find details of declaring fields and tables before version 7.2.