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Genesis containerisation - introduction

You can run a full Genesis application in a self-contained Docker container. There are two simple ways:

  • using our helpful plugin
  • by creating the Dockerfile and image yourself


  • GSF Version ≥ 6.3.0 - You need to use at least the 6.3.0 version of the Genesis low-code platform.

  • Genesis Deploy plugin ≥ 6.3.0 - The version of the deploy plugin is defined separately from the Genesis Framework version, and should also be at least version 6.3.0.

  • genesis-system-definition.kts values - To deploy a Genesis App in a Docker container, you need to ensure the item DEPLOYED_PRODUCT is present in your genesis-system-definition.kts, with the value set to the name of your app.


Our current Docker solution is still in early development, and therefore there are a number of limitations that should be understood before deciding to use it.

The key limitation is that Genesis currently only supports a single container deployment.

This means that you will not be able to achieve the following:

  • horizontal scaling
  • zero-downtime High Availability
  • multi-container applications