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Web Components - Modal

A modal is a type of dialog that prevents the user from interacting with other content on the page. Usually, when an active modal is displayed, all other content on the screen is dimmed. The user is unable to move focus to other windows or dialogs. This forces the user to deal with the modal before moving to other work on the application.

If you do not want this exclusive focus, use the dialog component.

Here is the definition of a modal from the W3C:

A dialog is a window overlaid on either the primary window or another dialog window. Windows under a modal dialog are inert. That is, users cannot interact with content outside an active dialog window. Inert content outside an active dialog is typically visually obscured or dimmed so it is difficult to discern; in some implementations, attempts to interact with the inert content cause the dialog to close.

Like non-modal dialogs, modal dialogs contain their tab sequence. That is, Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus outside the dialog. However, unlike most non-modal dialogs, modal dialogs do not provide means for moving keyboard focus outside the dialog window without closing the dialog.


import { provideDesignSystem, alphaModal } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';



When you declare an <alpha-modal>, you can provide the following attribute:

positionstringPlaces the modal to the right, centre or left of the screen. Default: centre
show-close-iconbooleanEnables the close button on the top-right corner. Default: true

If you set position to be left or right, the modal will assume height: 100% by default. To change this, make the appropriate css modifications.


The following methods are available for the alpha-modal component:

show()Shows the modal
close()Closes the modal
onShowCallback()Callback that runs before open the modal
onCloseCallback()Callback that runs after close the modal

By default, the modal-component starts closed.


Below you see the standard declaration of the modal:

This is a modal


In order to interact with the modal component, you need to use the available methods. To do that, import modal from @genesislcap/alpha-design-system:

import { Modal as alphaModal } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';

If you are using foundation-zero, then you need to import using @genesislcap/foundation-zero

After that, you need to define the local variable to be referred to, in this case localModal:

export class TEMPLATE extends GenesisElement {
localModal: alphaModal;

Now that you have your local variable, you can use the directive ref to link your component to this variable:

import {... , ref} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
export const yourTemplate = html<Template>`
<alpha-modal ${ref('localModal')}>
This is a modal

If you are not familiar with the ref directive, take a look at the Microsoft Fast documentation.

From this point, you can use both show() and close() as methods of localModal.


The modal provides two callbacks onShowCallback() and onCloseCallback(). To work with them, you need to use them inside the connectedCallback(). Below we have an example using the variable localDialog defined before.


this.localModal.onShowCallback = () => {
//Write your code here

this.localModal.onCloseCallback = () => {
//Write your code here



Below we have three examples of how to use both methods:

  • Create a modal positioned to the left:
<alpha-modal position="left" show-close-icon="false">
This is a modal
  • Create a button to open a modal:
import {... , ref} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
import {sync} from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';
export const yourTemplate = html<Template>`
<alpha-button @click=${x =>}></alpha-button>
<alpha-modal ${ref('localModal')}>
This is a modal
  • Create a button inside the modal to close it:
import {... , ref} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
import {sync} from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';
export const yourTemplate = html<Template>`
<alpha-button @click=${x =>}>Open modal</alpha-button>
<alpha-modal ${ref('localModal')}>
This is a modal
<alpha-button @click=${x =>}>Close modal</alpha-button>

Use cases

  • Confirmation pop-ups
  • Alerts
  • Forms submissions
  • Contextual information

Additional resources