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Version: Current

Fields - basics


This page is only for users of GSF version 7.1 or earlier.

Click here for details of how to define these details in the current version.

Field types

The following field types are available:

  • DATE
  • ENUM
  • LONG
  • INT
  • RAW

To define a field, supply a unique name and type. There are also optional parameters you can specify, such as default value and non-nullable. (Some options are only relevant for certain types.)

For example, here we define two fields. In the first, we simply supply the field type (STRING). In the second, we supply the type as ENUM, specify the two possible values for the field, and then a default value:

fields {
field("PROJECT_ID", type = STRING)

Optional parameters

You can add one or more parameters to any field that you declare.

ParameterDefault valueSample UsageValue TypeDescription
defaultnullfield(name = "AGE", type = INT, default = 20)The same type as the fieldSet a default value for the field where not supplied on a database insert. This is mandatory for ENUM inside the field declaration. For example: field(name = "COUNTRY", type = ENUM("BRAZIL", "KUWAIT", "BHUTAN", default = "BRAZIL")
maxSize64 (unlimited for non sql DB)field(name = "DESCRIPTION", type = STRING, maxSize = 1000)integerSet the maxSize of a field. Applicable for STRING, ENUM, RAW. Needed for HFT and SQL data structures. See below for more details
formatN/Afield(name = "SETTLEMENT_AMOUNT", type = BIG_DECIMAL, format = "#,##0.000")Dependent on typeSet the valid format of a field entry
sensitivefalsefield(name = "PASSWORD", type = STRING, sensitive = true)booleantrue if the field should be obfuscated (masked by asterisk (*) symbols) in the system logs
nullabletruefield(name = "DESCRIPTION", type = STRING, nullable = false); see belowbooleanfalse if the field is not nullable. This argument is not available if type = ENUM

Nullable fields

By default, all fields except ENUM are nullable.

You can make a field not nullable by adding the parameter nullable=false when you declare the field. By doing this, the field is not nullable wherever it is used in the application.

If you want more flexibility, leave the field nullable by default, but when you add the field to a table, declare it as 'not null'. This means that the field can be nullable when used in other tables.

ENUM fields

When you declare an ENUM field, you have to provide:

  • a fixed list of available values
  • a default value

For example, here we specify three different states and then specify the default state (NEW):

field(name = "TRADE_STATUS", type = ENUM("NEW", "ALLOCATED", "CANCELLED", default = "NEW"))

Remember that ENUM fields are always not nullable. If you try and add `nullable = true' Intellij will warn you. If you go ahead and build, it will generate an error.

Naming fields

As is always the case, it is worth being careful with the names you give fields. It is good practice to use clear descriptive names.

Duplicate names

If you create a field name that already exists, there are no consequences - as long as the field type is also the same. In effect, the second definition is simply ignored.

However, if you create a field name that matches an existing name and you give it a different field type, this generates a duplication error.

The error is shown when you generate the code.

If the code has already been generated - typically, if you are making changes to an existing server - the error is generated when you run genesisInstall after the change.

More specifically, when you build, this generates a duplication warning if the fields are defined in the same way, or an error if they are defined differently. If the duplication is between your own field and one you have inherited from another module, make sure you change the name of your own field, not the one from the other module.

When you define a new field, it is good practice to run codegen:generateSysDef. This will generate code based on the fields you have defined, and you will be able to use Intellisense to pick this new field within table definitions.

Using the maxSize parameter

When using an SQL database and you want a field's max size to be the same as that supported by the underlying database, you can use the helper function dbMaxSize().

For example, if using Postgres and wanting a STRING field's size to be equal to the max size Postgres supports, then you would define the field as:

field(name = "DESCRIPTION", type = STRING, maxSize = dbMaxSize())

You can also specify a target maxSize. This is useful when you want to limit a field's size to a particular length, but you want to be flexible enough to support different SQL databases.

For example:

field(name = "DESCRIPTION", type = STRING, maxSize = dbMaxSize(target = 9000))

If the underlying database is Postgres this sets the field's maxSize to 9000, because Postgres can support up to 65535. But if you are using MS SQL then the maxSize is set to 8000; the maximum supported size for MS SQL.

Pre-defined fields

By default, you have access to all the standard field definitions in the Genesis low-code platform. You also have access to all the fields in any module that you include in your application (for example, the Auth module comes with a set of pre-defined fields).


The platform declares the following framework fields as sensitive by default:


The values of sensitive fields are displayed as asterisks on screen. For debugging purposes, you can set the DisplayDefaultSensitiveFields system property to true to display the values.

By default, sensitive fields are set to false, and this only applies on toString() output of GenesisSet and DbRecord objects.

SQL databases: storage precision and scale for BIGDECIMAL fields

For historical reasons, SQL databases have a default precision and scale for BIGDECIMAL fields: the maximum number of digits that can be stored is 20, of which 5 can be after the decimal point.

However, you can change this if you need to store more characters or decimal places in your application's SQL database.

For example, if you need 8 decimal places:

field(name = "FX_RATE", type = BIGDECIMAL(20,8))
  • When not specified, the default value of (20,5) is used.
  • When an invalid value is supplied (depending on the database vendor), remap will set the field to the default value.
  • You can increase the maximum number of characters, but how much depends on the database vendor. Check with them before trying this.

This is not relevant to other database technologies.