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Loading feed data - SFTP and encryption

If you are loading static data from an external site, this page gives more detail on the SFTP method for obtaining the data. It also looks at how you could deal with encryption and decryption in higher environments.


Below, the simple application-camel.kts file has had an SFTP route added to it.

camel {
routeHandler {
//Handles sFTP BBG file transfer
val bbgEndPointPath = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_SFTP")
val bbgUserName = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_USERNAME")
val bbgPassword = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_PASSWORD")
val bbgFileName = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_FILENAME")
// String bbgFileName = "GEN_(PREL|PRICED)_[0-9]{4}\\.out\\.[0-9]{8}"
val pathStr = "${GenesisPaths.genesisHome()}/runtime/inbound/IDEMPOTENT_CONSUMER.DATA"
val bbgConsumerRepo = "${pathStr}IDEMPOTENT_CONSUMER.DATA"
from("sftp:${bbgEndPointPath}?username=${bbgUserName}&password=${bbgPassword}&include=$${bbgFileName}" +
"&delay=1000&sortBy=file:modified&delete=false&bridgeErrorHandler=true" +
FileIdempotentRepository.fileIdempotentRepository(File(bbgConsumerRepo), 300000, 15000000))
.process { exchange ->
LOG.debug("SFTP copy CamelFileName = ${exchange.`in`.getHeader("CamelFileNameOnly").toString()}")
.log("BBG file transfer: \${headers.CamelFileName}")

By using the systemDefinition to get items, we can use site-specific variables for each instance (for example, username, password, and hosts can change between DEV, QA, UAT, and PROD instances).

The values of these variables are defined in the application-system-definition.kts for each of the application instances. In the example below, we specify the username and password for the QA instance:

This way, you can dynamically define hosts, usernames, passwords, and even file names. These are passed into the route to configure the Apache Camel SFTP connection. Camel will poll the sFTP server to look for unprocessed files, and download them into the staging directory (…/bbg in this instance). Only unprocessed files are downloaded, because we have configured idempotentConsumer, which has a DB that is used to store the downloaded file names.


In higher environments, you need to encrypt sensitive values in the application-system-definition.kts file. The Genesis platform has a script that helps you do this. To use it, follow the instructions below:

  1. Run the script encryptUserPass.
  2. Provide the username and password.
  3. The script then returns the encrypted password and username for you.
  4. Add the encrypted username and password to the relevant section (DEV, UAT, etc...) of the application-system-definition.kts file.
  5. Finally, because your password is encrypted in the script/configuration you are changing, the systemDefinition object will automatically decrypt it. Here is an example:
camel {
routeHandler.with {
val pathStr = "${GenesisPaths.genesisHome()}/runtime/inbound/"
val bbgUserName = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_USERNAME")
val bbgPassword = systemDefinition.getItem("BBG_SERVER_PASSWORD")


Check that your environment variables are set up. Look in the .bachrc file in the home directory of the application. At the bottom of the script, you will see a reference to IP address/latest/user-data. This is used to generate the environment variables. Check that your environment variable exists in the list. And does it return from the request?