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Web Components - text area

A text-area is a graphic user-interface element that provides a region where users can input, edit or display text that extends over multiple lines.

This component is an implementation of an HTML textarea element as a form-connected Web Component.


import { provideDesignSystem, alphaTextArea } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';



You can define the following attributes in an <alpha-text-area>.

appearancestringChanges the general view of the element; this can be filled or outline
autofocusbooleanWhen true, the component will be focused when the page has finished loading
colsbooleanDefines the size of the element horizontally. Default: 20
disabledbooleanSimilar to readonly, but with a blur on the component
formstringAssociates this component to a form. Form id needs to be passed. If no Id informed, then it will be associated with the ancestor form
maxlengthnumberThe maximum number of characters allowed
minlengthnumberThe minimum number of characters allowed
namestringDefines the name of the element
placeholderstringSets placeholder text for the element, which disappears when the user starts inputting
readonlybooleanIf true, the user cannot change the value of this field
resizestringAllows the user to resize the element; this can be horizontal. Default: none
rownumberDefines the size of the element vertically. Default: 2

These attributes must be defined alongside the declaration of the component.


All examples below use the alpha-design-system. If you are using any other design system, change the declaration of this component accordingly.

  • Example 1: a text-area with 5 rows and 20 columns, which the user cannot resize
Example 1
<alpha-text-area rows="5" cols="20" resize="none">text-area</alpha-text-area>
  • Example 2: a text-area that is in focus, and which displays the placeholder text This is a placeholder
Example 2
<alpha-text-area placeholder="This is a placeholder" autofocus>Name</alpha-text-area>
  • Example 3: a text-area that displays placeholder text, which the user is unable to change
Example 3
<alpha-text-area disabled placeholder="you can't touch me">Name</alpha-text-area>

Get the user input

Once the value has been input, you need to make it accessible to your application.

  1. Create an @observable variable where you want to use this value:
import {... , observable} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
export class TEMPLATE extends GenesisElement {
@observable text_area: string
  1. Use the sync function to insert the value from the component into the variable text_area:
import {sync} from '@genesislcap/foundation-utils';
<alpha-text-area value=${sync((x) => x.text_area)}>TEXT</alpha-text-area>

From this point, you can access the value of the component in your application.

Try yourself

Live Editor
<alpha-text-area placeholder="yourself">try</alpha-text-area>

Use cases

  • Comments
  • Descriptions
  • Multi-line text inputs
  • Complex searches