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Data grid

A more light-weight grid for scenarios where you don't need the full power of Grid Pro.

Where you are using the alpha design system, the alpha-data-grid component can be used to display tabular data. The alpha-data-grid-row and alpha-data-grid-cell components are typically created programmatically by the parent grid, but you may find it useful to create them manually.


import { provideDesignSystem, alphaDataGrid, alphaDataGridCell, alphaDataGridRow } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';

provideDesignSystem().register(alphaDataGrid(), alphaDataGridCell(), alphaDataGridRow());


There are two ways of using this component. We shall look at each in turn.

Ref method

  1. Import ref from @genesislcap/web-core. This must be done in the same place where you are defining the structure of your template.
import {html, ref} from '@genesislcap/web-core';
  1. In the same file, add the following code inside the html structure to create a reference:
<alpha-data-grid ${ref('samplegrid')}></alpha-data-grid>    
  1. Inside the file where you define the class (for example, the Home class), import the data grid:
import {DataGrid} from '@genesislcap/foundation-ui'
  1. Inside the class, get the reference name you created and set it to be of the type DataGrid:
samplegrid: DataGrid;
  1. Inside a function, for example, connectedCallback(), place this code - which includes some dummy data:
this.samplegrid.rowsData= [
{ item1: 'value 1-1', item2: 'value 2-1' },
{ item1: 'value 1-2', item2: 'value 2-2' },
{ item1: 'value 1-3', item2: 'value 2-3' },

That's it; now you have a grid with dummy data.

Getting the element by ID

  1. In your html structure, create an ID for your Data Grid. Add the following code:
<alpha-data-grid id='samplegrid'></alpha-data-grid>    
  1. Inside the file where you define the class (for example, the Home class), import the data grid:
import {DataGrid} from '@genesislcap/foundation-ui'
  1. Inside a function, for example, connectedCallback(), search for the ID to get the element that you created, then define it as type DataGrid:
const data = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('samplegrid') as DataGrid
  1. In the same function, create some dummy data for your grid, for example:
data.rowsData = [ { item1: 'value 1-1', item2: 'value 2-1' },
{ item1: 'value 1-2', item2: 'value 2-2' },
{ item1: 'value 1-3', item2: 'value 2-3' }

That's it; now you have a grid with dummy data.

Connected data

To retrieve information from Data Servers and Request Servers, you need to use the <data-grid> with the <data-grid-datasource> component. Here is an example:

<data-grid-datasource resourceName="ALL_TRADES"></data-grid-datasource>

Use cases

  • Tabular data

Additional resources