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Web Components - Banner

foundation-banner extends foundation-element.

The banner displays an important, succinct message, such as actions for users to address. It remains displayed until it is dismissed by the user.

Banners should be displayed at the top of the screen, below a top app bar. They’re persistent and nonmodal, so the user can either ignore the banner or interact with it at any time.


import { provideDesignSystem, alphaBanner, alphaButton } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';



When you use an <alpha-banner>, you can use the following method:

dismissDismisses the banner


When you use an <alpha-banner> you can use the following slots to define content and actions:

contentThe content to be displayed on the left side of the component
actionDefines the action components to be placed on the right side of the component

If you create multiple slots of content or actions, the slots will be placed side by side.


All examples below use the alpha-design-system. If you are using any other design system, change the declaration of this component accordingly.

  • Example 1: A banner with a content slot and no action buttons
Example 1
<div slot="content">
This is a banner that the user cannot remove
  • Example 2: a banner with two action buttons and a message
Example 2
<div slot="content">
Båten min er ikke lenger sjødyktig
<alpha-button slot="action" appearance="lightweight">Button 1</alpha-button>
<alpha-button slot="action" appearance="lightweight">Button 2</alpha-button>

Interaction: dismiss a banner

When you place a banner, you can use the method dismiss() to remove the banner. here is an example of how to use this method:

  1. Import the alphaBanner from @genesislcap/alpha-design-system:
import { alphaBanner } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';

If you are using foundation-zero, then you need to import using @genesislcap/foundation-zero

After that, you need to define the local variable to be referred to, in this case localBanner:

export class TEMPLATE extends GenesisElement {
localBanner: alphaBanner;
  1. Create a function dismissBanner() in the class of the component:
export class TEMPLATE extends GenesisElement {
  1. Create an action slot to dismiss the banner with a button:
<alpha-banner ${ref('localBanner)}>
<div slot="content">
This is a banner
<alpha-button slot="action" appearance="lightweight" @click=${(x) => x.dismissBanner()}>Close banner</alpha-button>

From this point, when you click on the Close banner button, the banner will be removed with a smooth transition.

Interaction: create a banner dynamically

If you simply create the banner in your file, it will be displayed automatically in the application. However, you often need to display a banner only when certain conditions apply.

Here is an example of a banner that is not displayed automatically; it is created dynamically and displayed only when you call the function createBanner():

  1. Import the alphaBanner from @genesislcap/alpha-design-system:
import { alphaBanner } from '@genesislcap/alpha-design-system';

If you are using foundation-zero, then you need to import using @genesislcap/foundation-zero

  1. In your template file, create a <div> placeholder where you want the banner to appear:
<div id="BannerPlaceholder"></div>
  1. Create the function to create your banner dynamically:

// Creates the banner element
const bannerElement = document.createElement('alpha-banner'); = 'bannerId';

// Sets the HTML content of the banner element
bannerElement.innerHTML = `
<div slot="content">
Vær tålmodig mens vi oppdaterer maskinen
<alpha-button id="button ${}" slot="action" appearance="lightweight">Close Banner</alpha-button>

// Gets the placeholder div where you want to append the banner
const placeholderDiv = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('BannerPlaceholder');

// Appends the banner element to the div

// Adds dismiss event to the button action
const actionButton = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("button " +;
const tempBanner = this.shadowRoot.getElementById( as alphaBanner

actionButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

In this example, the following commands used are:

  • document.createElement('alpha-banner') creates an alpha-banner HTMLElement and stores it in the bannerElement variable.
  • sets the ID for the component. Note that if you intend to create multiple banners, you should change their IDs dynamically.
  • bannerElement.innerHTML sets the HTML content and actions of the component, defining what is wrapped within <alpha-banner></alpha-banner>.
  • this.shadowRoot.getElementById('BannerPlaceholder') retrieves the placeholder <div> for the banner; we use shadowRoot instead of document because the web component uses shadow DOM.
  • placeholderDiv.appendChild(bannerElement) appends the newly created banner to the placeholder <div>.
  • as Banner specifies the type as Banner, if you don't do this, you won't be able to access the banner's methods.
  • actionButton.addEventListener('click', function() {tempBanner.dismiss()}); adds a @click event to the button inside the banner.

Now you can use the createBanner() function whenever you need to create a new banner in the <div> placeholder that you defined.


When creating a banner dynamically, make sure that your 'id's are unique. If they are not, you will be unable to dismiss one or more of your banners.

Try yourself

Live Editor
  <div slot="content">
    Dette er et banner
  <alpha-button slot="action" appearance="lightweight">Button 1</alpha-button>
  <alpha-button slot="action" appearance="lightweight">Button 2</alpha-button>

Use cases

  • warning notifications
  • advertisement
  • displaying a logo